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December 2019

Foot and leg pain

Foot and leg pain: Why you might need a biomechanical assessment.

By Treatment

Move then 15% of UK women have bunions. If not treated a bunion normally gets worse over time. They get bigger, and more painful. They can limit the types and styles of shoes you wear. It makes it difficult to walk around on holidays, or in the perfect shoes.

Bunions are usually hereditary. Bunions are not generally caused by shoes. They are most often caused by a defective mechanical structure of the foot which is genetic and these certain foot types make a person prone to the development of a bunion.

They can, however, be made worse by the shoes we wear and the way we walk (biomechanics). This can be made worse by arthritis. Toe spacers or bunion splints may provide temporary relief. But this only lasts as long as they are on.

It is not a long term solution. Surgery is not usually performed for cosmetic reasons, so if you have a bunion, it is better if you look after it. Where we cannot change the damage that is there, we can help prevent it from getting worse.

What is a biomechanical assessment?
Biomechanics is the study of organisms and how they move. It can relate to horses or dogs, or (in the case of this article!) humans.

Therefore, a biomechanical assessment will involve a specialist, such as a podiatrist, looking at how your joints move when you move them or when they’re moved for you; if the joints move smoothly, get blocked or are able to be unblocked.

Also, it will look at the muscles and how they function (if they’re strong or weak) and if you’re able to do certain functional movements – like hopping, jumping and balancing.

Say goodbye to foot pain

When should you get a biomechanical assessment?
Firstly, anyone can get a bio-mechanical assessment – whether they’re young or old, an elite athlete or a total couch potato. Bio-mechanical assessments aren’t just for people with specific joint pain, they’re for people who want to avoid getting pain and injuries during their day-to-day activities or their sports and hobbies.

However, if you’re getting pain in your feet, whether its pain when you move or stand or get up from being still – your pain may be bio-mechanical in nature. However even hard skin on your feet can be the result of abnormal bio-mechanics since hard skin is just the body’s way of protecting itself from extra friction – which can be caused by poorly functioning joints.

What can you expect?
The first and most important part involves me taking a thorough history – of your health, surgeries, medications, whether you smoke, what you like to do for fun and even when and where you’ve traveled! Fun fact: food poisoning can cause joint pain… so yes, all those questions are relevant!!!

By getting all that info from you I don’t just have an idea of what the problem with your feet maybe, but I also get to know in what direction to set your treatment. After all, a marathon runner with heel pain needs very different exercises to a little old lady!

Once I know what your lifestyle is like, I can then look at what it is that’s causing you pain. This involves a hands-on assessment – basically, I try to poke the bit that hurts and then I can tell you what it is and how we treat it.

Depending on what level you are, and why you’ve attended, I’ll then look at you walking and doing certain movements and exercises – if you do these well, then you may not need very much doing. However, if these identify issues such as weakness or restricted movement, then a customized rehabilitation program with or without orthotics will be recommended.

Medi Peditreatment

Medi-Pedi treatment

By Treatment

The medi-pedi: introducing some luxury add ons to the routine Podiatry treatment.
This is available to all existing patients (new pts would need to have an assessment appointment prior to booking). It is extremely important that patients make the clinician aware of any allergies as some products used may contain nut extracts.

The medi-pedi treatment incorporates a range of cosmetic products rich in botanicals and plant extracts, chosen for their luxurious feel and fragrance. Some of these products are available to purchase for home use.

Patients can enjoy a number of beauty treatments, with the added confidence and knowledge that the same strict health, hygiene protocols used for the Podiatric treatment are applied to all the beauty aspects.

Patients who wish to have nail varnish must either provide their own base, colour and top coat or purchase from the clinical range. Flip flops are available for patients to purchase, however feel free to bring something suitable afterwards (nail varnish may take a considerable time to be fully dry).

Say goodbye to foot pain

Diagnosis and treatment for foot pain

Diagnosis and treatment for foot pain

By Treatment

We have many years of experience in looking and working with feet both in the diagnosis, care, and management of feet based issues. We are here to help you find different solutions for your feet based issues.

We feel that every case is unique and different, and when you have an issue, you want to meet and talk to the professionals. Foot pain can affect your lifestyle, and if left along can affect other parts of your body as well as making day to day motion a lot harder.

We will give you honest and factual advice to get your feet based issues diagnosed, and resolved to the most professional level.

Say goodbye to foot pain

Painful Shins (Shin splints)

Painful Shins (Shin splints)

By Treatment

So, your new fitness plan has caused more problems. You are in pain. Shin Splints are best known as a running injury to the average citizen. Aching or throbbing shins is an ailment that many new runners and many athletes in all sorts of impact-related sports, like football, volleyball, basketball, and sprinting, deal with on a regular basis.

This happens to many new and experienced athletes (and want-to-be athletes). Shin splints, syndrome seems to be an issue encountered more often by new or seasonal athletes.

The tibia is your “shinbone,” the long, straight bone that forms the front of your leg. The tibia carries a significant portion of the impact that goes up your leg when you hit the ground, This also serves as an point for the muscles that control your foot and ankle, all the way from the relatively small ones like which flexes your little toes, to the big calf muscles, which are important for forward movement.

This is also called “exercise-related lower leg pain,” or medial tibial stress syndrome or MTSS. The most obvious symptom, of course, shin pain. The pain usually presents as an aching, burning, or throbbing feeling along the inside edge of the shinbone.

The shin(s) gets progressively more painful throughout the duration of the exercise. Early cases can be a simple ache near the end of a long run but can progress to the point where even short exercise sessions cause pain.

Say goodbye to foot pain

10 ways to prevent “Shin Splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome “

  • Talk to us on the early stages.
  • Rest.
  • Some topical steroids
  • Some anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Insoles
  • Change of shoes.
  • Amount of exercise.
  • Type of exercise
  • Stretching exercises before and after the sport
  • Use medical tape or support tape to change the pressure and stress points.

It’s best not to ignore any foot pain that lasts longer than a few days. If you shin splint, come and talk to us, as ignoring it will make it worse.

We will guide you on the next step to take, as well as help you with proper arch supports and padding. We can apply medical-grade strapping to help you manage the paid better. We can also make custom shoe inserts and molds, to remove and redistribute the pressure.

At Bucks Foot Clinic, we are here to make your feet work for you. We want the best solution for you. Call us for an appointment, and let us discuss what we can do together.

Bunion care and management

Bunion care and management

By home, Treatment

Move then 15% of UK women have bunions. If not treated a bunion normally gets worse over time. They get bigger, and more painful. They can limit the types and styles of shoes you wear. It makes it difficult to walk around on holidays, or in the perfect shoes.

Bunions are usually hereditary. Bunions are not generally caused by shoes. They are most often caused by a defective mechanical structure of the foot which is genetic and these certain foot types make a person prone to the development of a bunion.

They can, however, be made worse by the shoes we wear and the way we walk (biomechanics). This can be made worse by arthritis. Toe spacers or bunion splints may provide temporary relief. But this only lasts as long as they are on.

It is not a long term solution. Surgery is not usually performed for cosmetic reasons, so if you have a bunion, it is better if you look after it. Where we cannot change the damage that is there, we can help prevent it from getting worse.

Say goodbye to foot pain

Top 10 ways to look after bunions

  • Maintain a normal weight. Excess weight makes a bunion worse.
  • Use shoe inserts to help position the foot correctly. These can be over-the-counter arch supports or prescription orthotic devices.
  • Wear a splint at night to hold the toe straight and ease discomfort. (we will need to look at your feet, so you have the correct splint)
  • Protect it from abrasion in your shoes, by a padding. We can help you with the type and where to apply it properly.
  • Use warm soaks, ice packs, and massage. Anything to remove pressure helps your feet.
  • Buy well-fitting footwear that are wide in the toe area. Get the best advice in choosing shoes.
  • Get the right orthotics (insoles), so that we can remove pressure from your toes
  • Use the right stretching exercises
  • Wear wider shoes, wear shoes with a strap / lace over the instep to reduce pressure on the toe.
  • Calf stretches and other exercises.

We can work with you to make sure that the right shoes are chosen, to minimise the pressure on the toes. With the right insoles and orthotics. We can change your walking style (gait) so that we can minimise the impact of this on your feet, and the rest of your body.

We will guide you on the next step to take. At Bucks Foot Clinic, we are here to make your feet work for you. We want the best solution for you. Call us for an appointment, and let us discuss what we can do together.

Stiff Big Toes – Hallux Rigidus

Stiff Big Toes – Hallux Rigidus

By home, Treatment

If you try to move your toes back, and they do not flex, you can have Hallux Rigidius or Stiff Big toes. Signs of this are when you are walking, and your toe hurts. It is a form of arthritis, where the cartilage in the toe has worn out.

Your big toes bear a great deal of pressure as you walk. With every step, a force equal to about twice your body weight passes through this very small joint. The big toe is used every time we walk, bend down, climb up and even standstill.

The condition varies in terms of stiffness, pain, and loss of mobility. Some people will develop what is known as hallux limit us, where mobility is restricted rather than lost.

Symptoms include:
  • Pain and stiffness during movement
  • Problems with some activities such as running
  • Swelling and inflammation around the joint
  • Symptoms are worse during cold and damp weather
At a more advanced stage, symptoms include:
  • Pain when resting
  • Development of bony bumps (osteophyte) may develop on the top of the joint which can rub on shoes
  • People may walk on the outer side of the foot to avoid pain from the big toe. This can produce pain in the ball or outside of the foot.

Say goodbye to foot pain

The big toe can become what is known as a “frozen joint” when all movement is lost. At this end stage of hallux Rigidus, other related problems are likely to have developed in the foot.

Hallux Rigidus can start early in life, even during the teenage years or the twenties. However, in the majority of cases, it does not get progressively worse. About 20 to 25 percent of patients experience increasing stiffness and loss of mobility and are likely to require treatment.

This is caused and made worse by Having Flat feet, or fallen arches. People with rolling in of the feet when they walk, putting extra pressure on the toe. (It is also possible to have ankle pain in this case) Some people may have a family history of the condition and inherit a foot type which is more prone. This can be caused by biomechanics or musculoskeletal problems. This can also be triggered by injury, inflammation, and infection. This can be treated if caught early, without a need to go down the surgery route. Without fell biomechanical assessment, we can help you find a solution to this.

If not managed correctly, this can cause problems in the hips, knees, and ankles, as this will change the natural walking pattern.

We can work with you to make sure that the right shoes are chosen, to minimise the pressure on the toes. With the right insoles and orthotics, this can also remove a lot of stress on the toe. We can change your walking style (gait) so that we can minimize the impact of this on your feet, and the rest of your body.
Surgery and steroid injections are normally the final solutions, and we can make sure that it does not come to this. We can get you to get to a normal pattern, quickly and effectively.

It’s best not to ignore any foot pain that lasts longer than a few days. We will guide you on the next step to take, as well as help you with proper arch supports and padding. We can also make custom shoe inserts and molds, to remove and redistribute the pressure.

At Bucks Foot Clinic, we are here to make your feet work for you. We want the best solution for you. Call us for an appointment, and let us discuss what we can do together.

Trapped toe nerve

Trapped toe nerve

By home, Treatment

This is also called Morton’s neuroma. It is a painful condition that affects the ball of your foot, most commonly the area between your third toe and fourth toe.

It feels like you are standing on a pebble in your shoe or on a fold in your sock. It also involves a thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to your toes. This can cause a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. Your toes also may sting, burn or feel numb.

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Top 10 ways to prevent Trapped toe nerve

  • High-heeled shoes have been linked to the development of Morton’s neuroma. Many people experience relief by switching to lower heeled shoes
  • Wear Shoes with wider toe boxes.
  • In extreme cases corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary.
  • Wear the correct type of shoes. Un-necessary pressure in parts of your feet can cause this, and this affects the nerve.
  • Certain high impact sports can cause this, like jogging or running
  • Sports with tight shoes can make the condition worse, like climbing, snow skiing, skating
  • Make sure if you have other foot conditions like high arches, flat feet, etc, you get the right orthotics (insoles)
  • Make sure that your socks and shoes do not have any lumps are imperfections.

It’s best not to ignore any foot pain that lasts longer than a few days. If you experience a burning pain in the ball of your foot that’s not improving, despite changing your footwear and modifying activities, this can make the situation worse.

We will guide you on the next step to take, as well as help you with proper arch supports and padding. We can also make custom shoe inserts and molds, to remove and redistribute the pressure.

At Bucks Foot Clinic, we are here to make your feet work for you. We want the best solution for you. Call us for an appointment, and let us discuss what we can do together.

Arthritis and Gout in feet

Arthritis and Gout in feet

By Treatment

Arthritis is the inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints and can have increased fluid in the joints. There are many types of arthritis has multiple causes. Each has a different cause and potential remedial action.

It is very common, as there are more than 100 identifiable disorders. The feet, with 33 weight-bearing joints, all of which can be afflicted and there is no way to avoid the pain of the tremendous weight-bearing load on the feet.

Arthritis is a disabling and occasionally crippling disease; In some forms, it appears to have hereditary tendencies. While the prevalence of arthritis increases with age, all people from infancy to middle age are potential victims.

People over 50 are most prone to arthritis. Arthritic feet can result in loss of mobility and independence, but early diagnosis and proper medical care can help significantly.

Don't suffer from foot pain any longer

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Gout (gouty arthritis):
  • Swelling in one or more joints
  • Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint
  • Redness or heat in a joint
  • Limitation in motion of joint
  • Early morning stiffness
  • Skin changes, including rashes and growths

With over 100 different causes, there is no one solution. We can help with your pain management as well as creating and working with you on a system of proper foot care. We can help with Early diagnosis is important to effective treatment of any form.

Destruction of cartilage is not reversible, and if the inflammation of arthritic disease isn’t treated, both cartilage and bone can be damaged, which makes the joints increasingly difficult to move. Only 5% of arthritis, can cripple you, but if left, and not managed, it can be worse. Even bunions can be manifestations of arthritis. Arthritis may be treated in many ways. Information is very important.

We can help with shoe inserts called orthotics, or with braces or specially prescribed shoes. We do not want your joints to get damaged, so you need surgery. We want to work with you to correct any faulty mechanics that lead to the joint not moving properly.

The earlier you come to us, the more we can do. We want to help and work with you to get the best out of your feet, and we know that with the best help, you will get more from your body.



By Treatment

Growing feet. When your child complains of painful feet, do not ignore it. This can be a lifelong problem, which can be cured, as their bodies, and bones are still being formed, we can help your child.

Podiatry is the specialist care of the foot and any and all ailments stemming from abnormalities and diseases of the lower limb. This area of practice has become further specialized in recent years, with practitioners adopting further education to focus on specific areas of podiatry, thereby providing high caliber and extremely specialized services to anyone looking for treatment.

In this article, we look at the sub-specialty of podiatry known as

Podopaediatrics – or in this case problems with Children’s feet. A number of different foot ailments can affect children from a variety of different backgrounds, these can include structural issues with the foot like flat-footedness, or other, more general issues like ingrown toenails or infections.

We are trained to provide treatment to younger children. Sessions are straightforward and usually involve both parent and child. The podiatrist responsible for delivering treatment will first examine any relevant documents and ask any questions necessary to have a complete understanding of a child’s medical history.

This is an important first step as it informs the podiatrist about any underlying conditions or other issues of which he or she should be aware prior to treatment.

We will then do an exam of the foot to gain a better understanding of the child’s complaint and what may be causing it. If a diagnosis can’t be established through such an exam, then further testing or investigations will be arranged. We have other specialists which can help, like musculoskeletal, or gait analysis.

If a diagnosis is made then the podiatrist will talk through a management plan with both parent and child. Such a plan usually involves steps that can be taken by the parent or child to help the condition, as well as any treatments which would help.

Often, the initial examination will allow us to diagnose and suggest solutions immediately, so they can be very brief. But this can have long-term benefits to your child.

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Athlete’s Foot & other Infections

Athlete’s Foot & other Infections

By home, Treatment

No one likes smelly feet. It is embarrassing, and if not managed, gets worse. It is also more common than most people believe.IF your feet are smelling or itching, there is a good chance you have athlete’s foot. This is a fungus and must be treated as such, as it is easy to spread to your other foot, as well as to other family members.

In the initial stages it is not painful, then it causes rashes, and peeling skin. If not treated, it will smell, and get itchy.

This is when you have a higher chance of transferring/transmitting to other people (as you use your fingers to scratch it). If still not treated, it will cause fungal nails, which is a lot harder to cure and remove.

If you are diabetic, like all foot infections, you need to get this looked at by a podiatrist to make sure the condition is looked after properly. Any condition where there is poor circulation can decrease the immunity against the infection.

Top 10 ways to prevent Athlete’s Foot

  • Sweating heavily or not drying the feet can increase the moisture for encouraging the breeding of fungus. If you dry between the toes all the times.
  • Get this managed quickly, as this will spread to the nail.
  • Walking barefoot in damp communal areas, such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms
  • If you have diabetes, circulation problems or a weakened immune system, any infection, can increase the chance of fungus. Consult your podiatrist at the first sign of athlete’s foot.
  • Change your socks daily
  • Use a disinfectant, liquid or soap to scrub your feet daily
  • Use antibacterial spray in your shoes
  • Keep your feet dry and clean at all times
  • Wear flit flops with walking in communal areas
  • Do not share towels, nail clippers, etc with other people.Do not ever share trainers
  • Always wash your hands after treating, cutting your nails (ok, we lied about 10 ways)

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If you have diabetes, or have reduced blood circulation and nerve supply in your feet you are a high risk of skin infection. So any minor injury or condition has the potential to cause more serious issues. Fungal nail infection is a condition, which can lead to more serious conditions. Any diabetics with nail infections should get professional help as soon as possible.


Atheletes foot can be treated and managed with the correct creams and ointments. Some over-the-counter medicines work, many do not. We have access to stronger ointments and creams, to ensure that you get rid of your athlete’s foot.

Some of the methods we use include
  • We also use homeopathy where we use natural algae to help the body fight the fungus.
  • We have strong ointments and creams we can use to fight the fungus
    With available on the table, and with your particular case, we can find the right solution to get rid of your fungus.

We can use the latest state of the art equipment, or we can work with other methods to remove the fungal infection on the nails that are there. Together we can find the perfect solution.

GeneralPodiatry NailCutting

General Podiatry / Nail Cutting

By Treatment

We, at Bucks Foot Clinic, can assist you with all of your foot and ankle concerns. These can range from sports injuries to heel pain, diabetic foot checks, cracked heels, nail care, dry skin, children’s feet and more. If you have a problem with your feet, no matter how big or small, it’s worth getting some expert advice from your podiatrist.

ngrown toenail, Skin diseases and nails, Unusual nail shape, Nail tumours, Nail Splinters, Nail bleeding, Older nails, Birth disorder of the nail, etc.

We look at

Nail discoloration, Nail infections, Injury to the nail bed, Lifted nail plate, Psoriasis, fungal infection, Thickened nails, Nail Neglect, Injury to the nails, Poor circulation, Arthritis in the toes, Ill-fitting shoes, Ridged nails, Trauma to the nail matrix, Splitting nails, Continuous mild trauma such as habitual finger-tapping or using the nails as tools (to pick between the teeth, for example), deformed or brittle nails.

A violent toe-stubbing, dropping a heavy object on the toes, Bacterial infection of the nail, Overzealous attention to the cuticles, Severe nail-biting (yes people to bite their toenails), Eczema, Inflammation of the skin alongside the nail, Fungal infection, Diabetic nail management.

Skin Care

Part of being a podiatrist is looking after the skin on people’s feet. Most of our work includes cleaning the dead and dry skin and callous off the feet to bring them back to smooth and pain-free again.

In addition to simple foot care, we also deal with a more unusual skin complaint, some of which include: Corns, Callous, Cracked Heels, Warts, Blisters, Diabetic wounds, Smelly feet, etc.

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General care

No matter what the cause whether it be diabetes, a decrease in flexibility, eye site problems, or a loss in strength, if you’re finding difficult to attend to your own nail and foot care, our podiatrist’s can help.

No need for a referral

Our doors are open, and there is no referral needed to see a podiatrist, from your GP.

We are medically trained and qualified and certified. We take our profession seriously, and all our team always do continuous training.

We invest in the best equipment to make sure that you are looked after. Call us for us to talk to each other about your needs, and we can help.

Nail care Nail Cutting and General Nail Care

Podiatry is a medical field, and we focus on the medical level of nail management.

Toenail problems can affect people of all ages, but tend to be more common in older people.

Aged care

We believe that you should have the right help at any age. As we age we often find things harder to manage, including our nails. That’s where our Podiatrists can help. Trained to cut and file nails and remove hard skin using sterilized equipment, we can assist those who find it difficult in caring for their feet.

Home visits

If you are disabled and unable to leave home or get a carer to drive you to one of our clinics, we may be able to arrange home visits to your place. We will arrange for a convenient session, and we will come to you.

Top ways to look after your nails

  • Practice good personal hygiene.
  • Wear protective gloves for wet jobs such as washing the dishes.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals such as strong soaps and detergents.
  • Avoid or limit the handling of chemicals such as hair dyes.
  • Wear gloves or in the case of feet, suitable protection.
  • Take care with the use of nail polish or other chemicals.
  • Don’t clean under your nails too often or too aggressively.
  • When giving yourself a home manicure, do not push back the cuticles.
  • Resist the urge to bite or tear off hangnails – use nail nippers. (try to avoid the use of clippers as they do not cut at the right angles)
  • Don’t bite your nails.
  • Remove artificial nails carefully and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Moisturise your feet frequently, particularly after washing them.
  • Remember to rub the moisturiser over your nails and cuticles too.
  • Treat any sign of eczema on your hands promptly.
  • To protect yourself from fungal infections, don’t share towels, always dry yourself thoroughly after bathing (particularly between the toes), and wear thongs in communal bathing areas such as the local gym or swimming pool.
  • Make sure your shoes are well-fitting and have plenty of room for air movement
Hip Leg KneeAnkleProblems(GaitAnalysisandin soles)

Hip/Leg/Knee Ankle Problems

By Treatment

Hips hurting, Leg Hurting, Ankle painful?

Chances are, it all starts from your feet. The main problem is most people do not take it seriously, where later on, it results in surgery to fix, and correct the issue. It is your body, and you should make sure you get it to last properly for a lifetime. We also call this Biomechanics.

We will check, analyze and investigate how you stand and walk. We have specialist podiatrists, that focus on musculoskeletal analysis and management (That means looking at your bones, the muscles, ligaments, and joints), so we can measure track and find a solution that fits your unique body.

None of us are perfect, and over time, we know that we will need help. The earlier this is done, it keeps you more mobile in your later life. We can investigate how you stand and walks. When we study your gait, we will help you find multiple solutions to manage the issues faced by you.

Make an appointment. If you are concerned about this why not contact us here at the Bucks Foot Clinic and we can work together to provide you with the best results and solutions to your problems.

Identifying Problems. Finding problems in gait can be the key to identifying the cause of pain in the feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, back, or neck. This will help determine underlying problems such as bone deformities, movement restrictions, muscle weakness, nerve dysfunction, skeletal or joint malalignments, complications from spasticity or contracture, and complications from arthritis.

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Analysis process

At the Bucks Foot Clinic, you will be asked to walk at a comfortable speed while various computerized measurements are made. Several types of measurements may be used depending on the nature of the problem. These measurements will be combined with the doctor’s tests to determine the problem and the recommended treatment.
These can include

  • Foot Step Analysis
  • Force and Pressure Measurements
  • 3-D Motion Analysis
  • Muscle Function Measurements
  • Slow Motion Video

As this is a specialist area, you will be looked after by a musculoskeletal podiatrist. This makes sure that you have the right care, and attention, using all the latest equipment and techniques. This will get you back on your feet in the shortest possible time.

The analysis is the first step in the process. We will give you accurate information, so we can find the right solution. With so many options available on the table, and with your particular case, we can find the right solution to help you.

We can use the latest state of the art equipment, or we can work with simple methods, so you are running around and in the best shape. Together we will find the perfect solution.

diabetic foot care

Diabetic foot care/assessment

By Treatment

We make sure we help you manage your feet. We know the importance of monitoring and keeping an eye on your feet.

At Bucks Foot Clinic, we have made diabetes an area of care, and strength. We understand the issues and problems and we have worked with diabetics over many years. As a diabetic, do not overlook the need to visit a podiatrist on a regular basis, even if it is one of the most overlooked aspects of diabetes management.

We only employ podiatrists, to make sure you have the highest level of care for diabetic care. At our clinic our professional podiatrists are trained in the care, solving and guidance from the issues relating to diabetic foot assessment.

We also provide advice and therapy to help those with diabetes manage their foot care. The best ways to care for diabetic feet. (normally we would have 10 top tips, but in this case, we would prefer for you to meet with us, so we can build a custom care plan.

The top 10 ways to manage Hard Skin

  • Check your feet. It’s essential to check your feet daily for any signs of damage. Do this daily. If you are unsure how to check your feet, please contact us
  • In addition, you should have regular foot assessments with a professional podiatrist to reduce the risk of injury, infection and other complications.
  • Please take care that your socks are proper fitting seamless socks.
  • Ensure your feet are clean and free from infection.
  • Wear only well-fitting shoes. Poor fitting or Ill-fitting shoes can result in blisters, ulcers, corns and calluses, and nail problems.
  • Avoid walking barefoot, especially when outside to reduce the risks of cuts and grazes.
  • Try to avoid sitting cross-legged as this can hinder circulation.
  • Moisturise your skin, paying particular attention to your heels, as dry skin can lead to cracking and fissures.
  • Wear the right shoes. Get proper advice. We always regularly recommend the ideal footwear for diabetics.
  • Never attempt to treat yourself. Anything from corns, hard skin, etc. Always consult a podiatrist.

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Extra points for Free

  • Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between the toes.
  • Wash your feet every day with lukewarm water.
  • Don’t go barefoot, even at home. Wear shoes or sturdy slippers at all times.
  • Check your soles of your foot before you put on your shoes daily.
  • Wear clean, dry socks. And of course, put them on properly, so the seams are not in the wrong place
  • Check inside your shoes for any tear or rough edges that could injure your foot. Look at your soles and outside for any damage. The right shoes is needed to help you look after your feet, so they last you longer
  • Shake out your shoes before you put them on to make sure there’s nothing inside.
  • Choose a comfortable and safe style of shoe, such as those with closed toes, low heels, and soles that aren’t slippery.
  • Trim toenails straight across. See us for any deformed toes. Don’t cut off or file corns, calluses or bunions yourself. If you have a cut, please call us.

We have an experienced team that can help you look after and care for your feet. We have the latest technology and a highly skilled team.

We really care of being the best in our profession. Come and see us, and we can demonstrate what we can do better.

Hard skin (Callus)

Calluses / Hard Skin

By Treatment

Our feet do a lot of work. The body builds extra skin to protect itself. This causes hard skins. Everyone has this, it is really common. This can be caused by friction, wearing away or normal day to day activities.

Based on your feet, and your activity, these can get a lot more uncomfortable and can cause you more pain. Most of the time, they can be looked after with some TLC (Tender Love and Care). But, we are always here to help you to take care of them.

We can help you manage and look after you and your feet so that it does not interfere with your daily activities. We can look at your feet and see the cause of the callus, and work with you to remove them, as well as provide both long and short-term solutions for the same. Where there are many over the shelf solutions to remove the hard skin, it is recommended that if this is a regular issue, give us a visit and we can see if there are any other underlying issues that can be causing it.

Say goodbye to foot pain

The top 10 ways to manage Hard Skin

  • Get proper fitting shoes to the weight can be distributed correctly.
  • Check that you do not have joins in your socks, or your shoes have smooth insides, which cause local pressure points in the foot
  • If you have worn soles, please get this replaced, as this increases the rubbing on your skin.
  • Wear socks, when you have shoes
  • Moisturize your feet regularly. This helps the foot to look after itself. We recommend specialised moisturising foot cream
  • Use a pumice stone to gently remove dead skin. It should be used carefully to remove hard skin, as it is abrasive.
  • Do not use knives, scalpels as you can remove too much skin, or cut your self
  • Get a pedicure, as a good pedicurist will help remove any dead skin.
  • Do not use electric abrasive rollers. These can cause more problems if used incorrectly.
  • Get proper advise, so you can manage your circumstances properly.

We have an experienced team that can help you look after and care for your feet. We have the best medical lotions and ointments and can help remove hard skin properly.

With your particular case, we want to find the right options for you and your feet. Together we can find the perfect solution.


Heel Pain

By home, Treatment

Ok, we can use the technical word, it is Plantar fasciitis. There is a muscle that your heel to the front of your foot. It supports the arch of your foot and helps you walk. As expected, your ligaments experience a lot of wear and tear in your daily life. Normally, these ligaments act as shock absorbents, supporting the arch of the foot. When there is extra pressure on your feet can damage or tear the ligaments. This then causes pain.

The pain can be at the bottom of the heel, or even although some experience pain at the bottom mid-foot area. This can develop gradually over time, and certain actions like sports can make it worse. The definition of pain in this is varied. Some people say it is as dull, while others a sharp pain.

The pain is usually worse in the morning when you take your first steps out of bed, or if you’ve been sitting or lying down for a while. Climbing stairs can be very difficult due to heel stiffness. After prolonged activity, the pain can flare up due to increased inflammation. Pain isn’t usually felt during the activity but rather just after stopping.

Say goodbye to foot pain

The top 10 ways to manage Heal Pain

  • If you are working or exercising on your feet more, you need better foot support.
  • You need to have the correct arch support and shoes
  • Stay off your feet when possible.
  • Apply ice and raise your feet for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day to reduce swelling, and to calm the inflation
  • Change you routine to more non-impact sports
  • We can show you exercises to strengthen your arches
  • You can use a towel, and use it to pull your toes towards you when you keep your knee straight
  • Splints can be attached to the calf and foot when you sleep helping to stretch your muscles
  • The hardest one to do, but one of the most effective, is to lose weight.

So how can we help

  • We have an experienced team that can help with your custom arch support, to remove the pressure of your ligaments and muscles.
  • We also have access to advanced medical strapping techniques, that will move the pressure off the feet, to relieve the pain, and to help the feet heal. These braces can provide instant relief.
  • We can use the latest wave of technology, which can help and speed up the healing.
  • With so many options available, and with your particular case, we can find the right solution to get you out of pain. Together we can find the perfect solution.
Verrucae and Wart

Fungal nail infections

By Treatment

Nail fungus is more common than most people believe. This is when a white or yellow spot occurs under the tip of your fingernails or toenails. As this gets more infected, the fungal infection goes deeper into the nail, causing your nail to discolor, to thicken and to start crumbling.

It can easily be passed from nail to nail. In the initial stages, it is not painful, and may not cause any discomfort. Over time, the fungus will settle into the nail, and cause thicker nails, and get the nails to crumble. This also passes onto other nails and causes athlete’s foot. This means getting rid of fungus on the nail, becomes a difficult process as it always keeps on coming back.

Fungal nails can make your feet smell, distort its shape, become brittle, crumbly or ragged, as well as being thick. We can work with you to fight it and get rid of fungal nails for once and for all. If you are diabetic, like all foot infections, you need to get this looked at by a podiatrist to make sure the condition is looked after properly.

Any condition where there is poor circulation can decrease the immunity against fungus. Toenail fungal infection can start from an athlete’s foot (foot fungus), and it can spread from one nail to another. But it is uncommon to get an infection from someone else.

Top 10 ways to prevent Fungal nail infections

  • Sweating heavily or not drying the feet can increase the moisture for encouraging the breeding of fungus. If you dry between the toes all the times.
  • If you have athlete’s foot, get this managed quickly, as this will spread to the nail.
  • Walking barefoot in damp communal areas, such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms
  • If you have diabetes, circulation problems or a weakened immune system, any infection, can increase the chance of fungus. Consult your podiatrist at the first sign of athlete’s foot.
  • Change your socks daily
  • Use a disinfectant, liquid or soap to scrub your feet daily
  • Use antibacterial spray in your shoes
  • Keep your feet dry and clean at all times
  • Wear flit flops with walking in communal areas
  • Do not share towels, nail clippers, etc with other people.
  • Do not ever share trainers
  • Always wash your hands after treating, cutting your nails (ok, we lied about 10 ways)

Say goodbye to foot pain


A severe case of fungal nails can be painful and can cause permanent damage to your nails. This can lead to other infections that spread beyond your feet, as this is caused by a low immune system or by other conditions like diabetes.

If you have diabetes or have reduced blood circulation and nerve supply in your feet you are a high risk of skin infection. So any minor injury or condition has the potential to cause more serious issues.

Fungal nail infection is a condition, which can lead to more serious conditions. Any diabetics with nail infections should get professional help as soon as possible.


Fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat. Very few over the counter medicines have any success rates. As the results may take months, it is advisable to get professional support as quickly as possible, to look after and cure your fungal nail infections.

Some of the methods we use include
  • At Bucks Foot Clinic, we have invested in the latest technologies.
  • We also use homeopathy where we use natural algae to help the body fight the fungus.
  • We have strong nail lacquers which we can use to fight the fungus
    We have homeopathic nail cream.
  • We can debride (or make the nail bed rougher), to help for other methods to work better (like the nail lacquer)

With so many options available on the table, and with your particular case, we can find the right solution to get rid of your fungus.

We can use the latest state of the art equipment, or we can work with other methods to remove the fungal infection on the nails that are there. Together we can find the perfect solution.