Our feet do a lot of work. The body builds extra skin to protect itself. This causes hard skins. Everyone has this, it is really common. This can be caused by friction, wearing away or normal day to day activities.
Based on your feet, and your activity, these can get a lot more uncomfortable and can cause you more pain. Most of the time, they can be looked after with some TLC (Tender Love and Care). But, we are always here to help you to take care of them.
We can help you manage and look after you and your feet so that it does not interfere with your daily activities. We can look at your feet and see the cause of the callus, and work with you to remove them, as well as provide both long and short-term solutions for the same. Where there are many over the shelf solutions to remove the hard skin, it is recommended that if this is a regular issue, give us a visit and we can see if there are any other underlying issues that can be causing it.
The top 10 ways to manage Hard Skin
- Get proper fitting shoes to the weight can be distributed correctly.
- Check that you do not have joins in your socks, or your shoes have smooth insides, which cause local pressure points in the foot
- If you have worn soles, please get this replaced, as this increases the rubbing on your skin.
- Wear socks, when you have shoes
- Moisturize your feet regularly. This helps the foot to look after itself. We recommend specialised moisturising foot cream
- Use a pumice stone to gently remove dead skin. It should be used carefully to remove hard skin, as it is abrasive.
- Do not use knives, scalpels as you can remove too much skin, or cut your self
- Get a pedicure, as a good pedicurist will help remove any dead skin.
- Do not use electric abrasive rollers. These can cause more problems if used incorrectly.
- Get proper advise, so you can manage your circumstances properly.
We have an experienced team that can help you look after and care for your feet. We have the best medical lotions and ointments and can help remove hard skin properly.
With your particular case, we want to find the right options for you and your feet. Together we can find the perfect solution.