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November 2023

What Can You Do If You Have A Corn On Your Foot?

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Hello there, I’m Dr. Leena Lakhani, a podiatrist at Bucksfoot Clinic, and I’m here to shed light on an issue that plagues many individuals in the UK – corns on the feet.
According to recent data, over 50% of adults experience foot pain, with corns being a common contributor.
Corns might seem like a minor problem, but they can be quite painful and affect your quality of life. In this blog, I’ll provide you with essential information about what corns are, what causes them, who’s most susceptible, the different types of corns, and, most importantly, how a podiatrist can help you find relief.

Understanding Corns

Corns are small, thickened areas of skin that develop on the feet, typically on the toes or the soles. They result from excessive pressure or friction over an extended period. These localized areas of hardened skin can cause discomfort, tenderness, and even pain, making everyday activities like walking a challenge. It’s essential to address corns promptly to prevent them from becoming more painful or leading to complications.

What Causes Corns?


Corns are primarily caused by two factors: pressure and friction. Let’s break it down:

  • Pressure: When excessive pressure is exerted on certain areas of your feet, the skin responds by thickening to protect itself. This is the body’s way of defending against irritation or injury.
  • Friction: Friction occurs when your skin rubs against a surface or other parts of your foot. Over time, this continuous rubbing can lead to the development of corns. The most common sources of friction are tight-fitting shoes, high heels, or ill-fitting footwear.

Who is Susceptible to Corns?

Corns can affect anyone, but some individuals are more susceptible than others. This includes people who:

  • Wear tight or poorly fitting shoes: High heels, pointy-toed shoes, and shoes that are too tight can increase the risk of developing corns.
  • Have foot deformities: Conditions like bunions, hammertoes, or flat feet can alter the distribution of pressure on the feet, leading to corn formation.
  • Engage in high-impact activities: Runners, hikers, and athletes who place significant stress on their feet are more likely to develop corns.

Different Types of Corns

There are two primary types of corns:

  • Hard Corns (Heloma Durum): These are the most common type of corn and are typically found on the tops or sides of the toes. Hard corns have a dense, cone-shaped core and a hardened, raised surface. They can be particularly painful when pressure is applied.
  • Soft Corns (Heloma Molle): Soft corns are often found between the toes, where sweat and moisture accumulate. They have a softer, rubbery texture and can become sore due to the constant moisture between the toes.

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How Can a Podiatrist Help?

Now, let’s address the most crucial part – corn foot treatment. When it comes to corns on your feet, a podiatrist is your best ally. Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • Professional Assessment: A podiatrist will conduct a thorough examination of your feet, assessing the corn’s size, type, and cause. This is the first step in creating a tailored treatment plan.
  • Custom Orthotics: Podiatrists can design custom orthotic devices or recommend appropriate cushioning to alleviate pressure on the corn and provide support for your feet. These orthotics are specially designed to fit your unique foot shape and walking pattern.
  • Footwear Advice: We will provide guidance on choosing footwear that is comfortable, properly fitting, and reduces friction and pressure on the affected area.
  • Caring for Corns: For existing corns, a podiatrist can carefully trim and reduce the thickness of the corn using specialized instruments, ensuring that it doesn’t return.
  • Preventive Measures: We’ll educate you on how to prevent the recurrence of corns by addressing their underlying causes. This includes recommendations for shoe choices, foot hygiene, and foot exercises.

Corn On Foot Treatment

Corns can be painful and bothersome, and while there are over-the-counter treatments available, it’s often best to have them removed by a podiatrist, especially if they are causing significant discomfort or are recurring. Here’s how podiatrists typically remove corns:

  • Debridement: Debridement is the most common method of corn removal. It involves the careful trimming of the thickened, dead skin that makes up the corn. Podiatrists use specialized instruments to do this, ensuring that the healthy surrounding skin is not affected. This procedure is generally painless and provides immediate relief.
  • Shaving: In some cases, particularly for larger or more stubborn corns, a podiatrist may use a small, rotating tool to shave away the dead skin. This method is effective for reducing the size of the corn and relieving pressure.
  • Salicylic Acid: Podiatrists may also use a stronger, prescription-grade salicylic acid solution to soften and eventually dissolve the corn. This method is particularly useful for larger corns or corns with a deep core. It usually requires several applications over a period of time.

It’s important to note that attempting to remove a corn at home, especially with sharp instruments, can lead to infection or more significant damage. Podiatrists are trained professionals with the knowledge and tools to safely and effectively remove corns while addressing the root causes to prevent them from coming back. If you’re experiencing discomfort due to corns, seeking professional help from a podiatrist is the best course of action.

Corn Removal Surgery: When It’s Necessary

While most corns can be effectively treated through non-surgical methods, there are instances where corn removal surgery becomes necessary. This procedure is typically reserved for severe cases or when other treatments have proven ineffective. Here’s what you should know about corn removal surgery:

Indications for Surgery:

  • Deep-Seated Corns: Corns that have grown deep into the layers of the skin, making them challenging to remove with conservative methods, may require surgical intervention.
  • Recurring Corns: If corns keep coming back despite attempts to remove them and prevent their recurrence, surgery may be considered to address the underlying structural issues.
  • Biomechanical Problems: Corns that result from structural foot deformities, such as bunions or hammertoes, may require surgery to correct the underlying issue and prevent further corn development.

The Surgical Procedure:

  • Local Anesthesia: Corn removal surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia. This numbs the area, ensuring you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.
  • Corn Removal: The podiatrist carefully cuts away the corn and the underlying tissue that causes the pressure and friction. This is done precisely to minimize any damage to healthy surrounding skin.
  • Tissue Repair: After the corn is removed, the podiatrist may need to repair any tissue damage or correct structural issues that contributed to the corn’s formation.
  • Closure: Once the necessary corrections are made, the incision is closed with sutures. In some cases, absorbable sutures may be used, eliminating the need for suture removal.

Recovery and Follow-up:

  • Recovery Time: Recovery from corn removal surgery is typically straightforward and relatively quick. You can expect to resume normal activities within a few days to a week.
  • Foot Care: Following the procedure, you’ll receive guidance on post-operative care. This may include keeping the area clean, applying prescribed medications, and protecting the surgical site.
  • Prevention: Your podiatrist will also discuss ways to prevent the recurrence of corns, such as appropriate footwear choices and orthotic devices if structural issues were a contributing factor.

It’s essential to note that corn removal surgery is typically considered a last resort when other treatments have failed or when there are structural issues contributing to corn formation. Podiatrists will always explore non-surgical options first, aiming to provide effective relief while preserving the health of your feet.

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Corns on the feet might seem like a minor issue, but they can significantly impact your daily life. If you’re dealing with corns, seeking help from a podiatrist is a wise choice.
At Bucksfoot Clinic, we have the expertise to diagnose, treat, and provide you with the guidance you need to prevent corns from coming back. Don’t let foot pain hold you back – take the first step toward healthier, pain-free feet by reaching out to us today.


Why did I get a corn on my foot?

Corns typically develop as a natural response to excessive pressure or friction on the skin. Common causes include ill-fitting or tight shoes, high heels, foot deformities like bunions or hammertoes, and abnormal gait patterns. The pressure and friction stimulate the skin to thicken and create a protective barrier, which forms the corn.

How do you get rid of a corn on your foot?

To get rid of a corn on your foot, you can start by changing your footwear to reduce friction and pressure. Over-the-counter treatments like corn plasters may help. However, for effective and lasting relief, it’s best to consult a podiatrist. They can provide professional treatment, which may include debridement, salicylic acid applications, custom orthotics, and footwear advice.

How do podiatrists treat a corn?

Podiatrists treat corns by first assessing the corn’s type, size, and underlying causes. Common treatments include debridement (trimming the corn), the use of salicylic acid preparations, custom orthotics to alleviate pressure, and footwear advice. The specific treatment plan will depend on the individual case.

Do corn plasters remove corns?

Corn plasters, available over-the-counter, may help soften and gradually remove corns by using salicylic acid. They can be effective for smaller, less severe corns. However, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and consult a podiatrist if you have concerns or if the corn doesn’t respond to this treatment.

Does removing a corn leave a hole?

Removing a corn using professional methods like debridement should not leave a hole. A podiatrist will carefully trim the corn and the hardened skin around it. The goal is to relieve discomfort without causing significant damage to the healthy surrounding skin.

How long does a corn last on foot?

The duration of a corn on the foot can vary. With proper treatment and management, you can often expect relief from a corn in a matter of weeks. However, the time it takes to resolve a corn depends on its size, type, underlying causes, and how well you adhere to treatment and prevention strategies. It’s important to address corns promptly to prevent them from becoming more painful or recurrent.

Big Toe Fungus Woes: Coping Tips & Fluconazole Treatment

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The discomfort and embarrassment the toe fungus brings can be quite overwhelming. In this blog, we’ll explore toenail fungus symptoms, coping strategies, and the effectiveness of fluconazole treatment. Whether you’re dealing with this condition or simply seeking more information, we’ve got you covered.

Understanding Toenail Fungus Symptoms & Causes

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that affects the toenails, often the big toe. It’s essential to recognize toenail fungus symptoms to address the issue promptly:

  • Discoloured Nails: Firstly, infected nails may turn yellow, brown, or even black.
  • Thickened Nails: Additionally, fungal infections can cause the nails to become thick and brittle.
  • Change in Shape: The affected nail might change its shape, making it look distorted.
  • Foul Odour: A strong, unpleasant odour can emanate from infected nails.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Moreover, as the infection progresses, you may experience pain and discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.

Fungal infections thrive in warm and damp environments, making our feet, enclosed in shoes and socks, the perfect breeding ground. It’s essential to take preventive measures when you encounter toenail fungus symptoms, such as keeping your feet dry and clean, to reduce the risk.

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Coping with Big Toe Fungus

Dealing with toenail fungus on your big toe can be challenging, but there are practical steps you can take:

  • Practise Effective Foot Hygiene: Firstly, ensure proper foot cleanliness by daily washing and thorough drying of your feet, paying special attention to the areas between the toes.
  • Choose Breathable Footwear: Opt for breathable shoes and socks to reduce moisture and sweat, creating an inhospitable environment for fungus.
  • Trim Nails Carefully: Trim your nails straight across to avoid ingrown nails and prevent the fungus from spreading.
  • Over-the-Counter Solutions: You can explore over-the-counter antifungal treatments like creams or ointments. These can help manage the infection but might take a while to show results.
  • Fluconazole Treatment: Fluconazole, an oral antifungal medication, can be a highly effective solution for toenail fungus. It works systemically to target the fungus, making it a popular choice for many patients.

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Fluconazole for Toenail Fungus: How It Works

Fluconazole is an antifungal medication that can help combat toenail fungus when other treatments are ineffective. Here’s how it works:

  • System-Wide Action: One of the key advantages of fluconazole is its systemic approach. It doesn’t just address the surface of the infected nail; it works throughout your body to combat the fungal infection. This systemic nature ensures that it reaches the site of the infection, including the big toe where the toenail fungus typically manifests.
  • Interrupting Fungal Growth: Fluconazole targets the root of the problem by interfering with the growth of the fungal cells. Moreover, it disrupts their life cycle, preventing them from multiplying and spreading the infection. Hence, by effectively inhibiting their growth, it gradually reduces the population of the fungus. Consequently, this leads to the recovery of the infected toenail.
  • Consistency and Convenience: When prescribed for toenail fungus, fluconazole is typically taken once a week. This simplicity in dosing makes it a convenient choice for patients. With a consistent treatment schedule, you can gradually see the improvement in your toenail’s condition.
  • Healthcare Professional Consultation: To determine the appropriate dosage and duration of fluconazole treatment, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or a podiatrist. These experts can evaluate the severity of your toenail fungus, its specific symptoms, and the overall health of your toenails. Their assessment ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs.
  • Patience and Persistence: Treating toenail fungus with fluconazole is effective, but it requires patience and persistence. The timeline for complete recovery may vary based on the severity of the infection. In many cases, it can take several months to achieve clear and healthy toenails. Consistency in following the prescribed dosage is key to the success of this treatment.

Expert Advice and Care at Bucksfoot Clinic

If you’re struggling with fungus on your big toe or any other foot-related issues, the experts at Bucksfoot Clinic are here to help. With our guidance and fluconazole treatment options, you can regain healthy and comfortable feet.
As a matter of fact, it’s essential to consult with a qualified podiatrist or healthcare provider to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific case in these scenarios. At Bucksfoot, we provide personalised treatments for various foot-related issues.


Is toenail fungus contagious?

Yes, toenail fungus can spread from person to person and from one nail to another. It’s essential to take preventive measures to avoid transmission.

How long does fluconazole treatment take?

The duration of fluconazole treatment can vary based on the severity of the infection. It can take several months to achieve clear and healthy nails.

Are there any side effects of fluconazole treatment?

While fluconazole is generally safe, it can have side effects such as upset stomach, diarrhoea, and changes in taste. Seek guidance from your healthcare provider if you encounter any undesirable side effects.

Can I wear nail polish during treatment?

It’s generally recommended to avoid nail polish during toenail fungus treatment to allow better monitoring of the nail’s progress.

What to Do for Ingrown Toenails & How Epsom Salts Help

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Ingrown toenails represent a prevalent and frequently uncomfortable condition that can impact individuals of all backgrounds. If you’ve ever had one, you know just how uncomfortable they can be. In this blog, we will explore what to do for ingrown toenails and other important things such as ingrown toenail symptoms, and how Epsom salts can be your soothing saviour.

Ingrown Toenail Symptoms

Ingrown toenails are a common condition in the UK, and recognizing the symptoms is the first step towards effective management. So let’s delve into the specific signs you should watch out for:

  • Pain and Discomfort: Ingrown toenails often manifest as pain and discomfort around the affected area. This pain can range from mild to severe, making activities like walking or wearing shoes quite painful. In fact, recent metrics indicate that nearly 30% of the UK population has experienced some degree of discomfort due to ingrown toenails at some point in their lives.
  • Redness and Swelling: One of the key indicators of an ingrown toenail is redness and swelling of the skin surrounding the affected nail. These symptoms are often visible and can be accompanied by increased warmth in the area. This visible inflammation can be an early sign to seek prompt care.
  • Infection Risk: Ignoring an ingrown toenail can lead to infection. Additionally, recent metrics suggest that about 15% of individuals with ingrown toenails in the UK experience some form of infection. Infections can present as the formation of pus, which not only intensifies the pain but also poses health risks.
  • Impaired Mobility: As the condition progresses, it can significantly impair mobility. People with ingrown toenails may have difficulty walking or may choose to avoid wearing shoes entirely. Metrics reveal that approximately 10% of individuals with severe ingrown toenails in the UK have reported mobility issues as a result.

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What to Do for Ingrown Toenails

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you may be wondering what to do for ingrown toenails. Consider these steps to help prevent ingrown toenails:

  • Soak Your Feet: Epsom salt foot soaks can work wonders. Take a basin/bowl and fill it with warm water, then add some Epsom salts in it. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes. This can help soften the skin and reduce inflammation, providing much-needed relief.
  • Proper Nail Trimming: Trim your nails straight across rather than in a curved shape. Avoid cutting them too short to prevent the nail from growing into the skin.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: Opt for shoes with ample toe room. Tight-fitting shoes can exacerbate the problem. Choose footwear that doesn’t squeeze your toes.
  • Good Hygiene: Maintain proper foot hygiene. Clean your feet regularly, and make sure to dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes.
  • Avoid Aggravation: Do your best to avoid further irritation. Refrain from picking or digging at the ingrown toenail. This can exacerbate the situation and potentially result in an infection.

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How Epsom Salts Help

Now, let’s focus on the star of the show: Epsom salts. Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulphate, have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, including ingrown toenails. Here’s how they can help:

  • Reduced Inflammation: Epsom salt foot soaks have been proven to be effective in reducing this inflammation. The salts work by drawing out excess fluids and toxins, relieving the redness and swelling commonly associated with ingrown toenails.
  • Pain Relief: Epsom salts can also provide pain relief. The warm water combined with the salts can ease the discomfort caused by ingrown toenails.
  • Infection Prevention: Ingrown toenails can lead to infection if not managed properly. In the UK, around 15% of ingrown toenail cases result in some form of infection. Epsom salts’ natural antiseptic properties help in preventing infections. By keeping the affected area clean and free from harmful bacteria, they reduce the risk of complications.
  • Softened Skin: Soaking your feet in Epsom salt water softens the skin, making it easier to gently lift the ingrown nail away from the skin. This can be done with a sterile cotton ball or dental floss, but it’s best to consult a podiatrist for this delicate procedure.
  • Enhanced Healing: Ingrown toenails can impede the body’s natural healing processes. Epsom salt soaks promote faster healing. In fact, the salts improve blood circulation to the affected area, supplying essential nutrients and oxygen that aid in tissue repair.
  • Overall Relaxation: Dealing with ingrown toenails can be stressful. Epsom salt foot soaks offer a relaxing experience. They provide a sense of well-being, helping individuals manage the mental and emotional strain that can accompany ingrown toenail symptoms.

While Epsom salts can provide relief, they are not a standalone solution for ingrown toenails. It’s important to remember that persistent or severe cases may require professional care. However, including Epsom salt soaks in your ingrown toenail management routine can be a valuable component of your self-care.


In conclusion, whether you opt for traditional treatments or chiropractic care, there are options available to combat the discomfort of hallux rigidus. Seek treatment with Bucksfoot early, follow the advice from our experienced podiatrists, and take steps to improve your quality of life. So get started on the path to pain-free mobility today! Visit our website to learn more.


What Causes Hallux Rigidus?

Hallux rigidus can develop for various reasons, including genetics, foot injuries, or even overuse. In fact, structural foot abnormalities or joint trauma often lead to this condition.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Hallux Rigidus?

Common symptoms of hallux rigidus include pain and stiffness in the big toe, particularly during movement. You may notice swelling, and in advanced cases, bone spurs can form around the joint, further restricting mobility.

When Should I Seek Treatment for Hallux Rigidus?

It’s a good idea to seek treatment for hallux rigidus as soon as you notice symptoms. Early intervention can help prevent the condition from worsening and improve the chances of successful treatment.

Are Chiropractic Treatments Safe for Hallux Rigidus?

Chiropractic treatments for hallux rigidus are generally safe. However, it’s important to consult a qualified podiatrist or chiropractor to determine your specific treatment plan.

Combatting a Stiff Big Toe: Tips from Top-Rated Podiatrists

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Stiff big toes can be a real pain – literally! This common condition, medically known as hallux rigidus, can affect anyone, causing discomfort, difficulty in walking, and even altering your daily life. Although the good news is that there are treatments available to help combat this issue and bring relief.
In this blog, we’ll explore hallux rigidus and how top-rated podiatrists at Bucksfoot Clinic are using chiropractic techniques to provide effective relief. You’ll learn about the condition, the symptoms to watch out for, and discover treatment options that can help you regain comfortable mobility.

Traditional Approaches to Hallux Rigidus Treatment


When it comes to addressing hallux rigidus, traditional approaches have long been a go-to choice. These treatments are backed by a wealth of experience and have shown significant effectiveness. Here’s a closer look at these methods, along with some relevant UK metrics that highlight their impact:

  • Orthotics as a Pillar of Relief: In the UK, orthotic solutions are a highly favoured choice for treating hallux rigidus. In fact, recent statistics indicate that healthcare professionals prescribe orthotics in over 80% of cases involving this condition. Custom-made shoe inserts, tailored to the patient’s foot shape, are crafted to provide the much-needed support and cushioning for the affected joint. This significantly alleviates pain and enhances mobility.
  • Physical Therapy for Improved Mobility: Physical therapy is another hallmark in the treatment of hallux rigidus. Additionally, over 60% of patients in the UK with this condition undergo physical therapy sessions. This therapy focuses on enhancing joint mobility and reducing stiffness. An impressive 70% of patients report noticeable improvements in their joint flexibility and pain reduction after just a few weeks of therapy.
  • Effective Pain Management: Pain management plays a crucial role in treating hallux rigidus. Utilising over-the-counter pain medications or prescribed anti-inflammatories, healthcare practitioners in the UK successfully manage the pain and swelling associated with this condition. In fact, a recent study revealed that over 70% of patients reported significant relief from pain and improved quality of life due to effective pain management.

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Surgical Methods for Hallux Rigidus Treatment and Their Relation to Hammer Toe

When conservative treatments have been exhausted or are deemed insufficient for managing hallux rigidus, physicians may find it necessary to consider surgical interventions. These surgical methods not only address hallux rigidus but also have relevance to conditions like hammer toe. Let’s delve into the surgical options and explore their implications for both conditions:

  1. Cheilectomy: A cheilectomy is a common surgical procedure for hallux rigidus. During this operation, the surgeon removes excess bone and tissues around the affected joint, particularly from the dorsal side. In short, by reducing bone spurs and preserving joint mobility, this procedure can alleviate pain and enhance the joint’s functionality. Notably, podiatrists or surgeons can adopt the same procedure to correct hammer toe, often by releasing contracted tendons and removing deformities in the toe joint.
  2. Arthrodesis (Fusion): In cases where the damage to the joint is severe, arthrodesis, or fusion, may be recommended. This procedure involves fusing the bones of the affected joint together to create a stable, immobile structure. While it sacrifices joint flexibility, it effectively eliminates pain and discomfort. Similarly, for correcting hammer toe, surgeons can use arthrodesis to realign the affected toe joint and prevent further deformity.
  3. Implants and Joint Replacement: In some advanced cases of hallux rigidus, joint implants or replacements may be considered. These prosthetic devices can restore joint function and relieve pain. Surgeons primarily use this approach for cases of hallux rigidus, but they may occasionally employ it for severe cases of hammer toe when the toe joint has significantly deteriorated.
  4. Osteotomy: Osteotomy involves cutting and realigning the bones of the big toe joint to correct deformities and reduce pressure on the joint. It is a versatile surgical technique used for both hallux rigidus and hammer toe. For hallux rigidus, the osteotomy aims to restore joint function. In the case of hammer toe, it corrects toe deformities by adjusting the position of the phalanges.

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Get Relief from Stiff Big Toes at Bucksfoot Clinic

If you’re dealing with hallux rigidus and the associated pain and discomfort, it’s time to explore effective treatment options. Bucksfoot Clinic, renowned for its expertise in podiatry, offers chiropractic care to address hallux rigidus and help you regain your mobility and well-being.
Don’t let a stiff big toe hold you back. Reach out to Bucksfoot Clinic today to schedule a consultation with top-rated podiatrists who can provide you with the best treatment options for hallux rigidus.


In conclusion, whether you opt for traditional treatments or chiropractic care, there are options available to combat the discomfort of hallux rigidus. Seek treatment with Bucksfoot early, follow the advice from our experienced podiatrists, and take steps to improve your quality of life. So get started on the path to pain-free mobility today! Visit our website to learn more.


What Causes Hallux Rigidus?

Hallux rigidus can develop for various reasons, including genetics, foot injuries, or even overuse. In fact, structural foot abnormalities or joint trauma often lead to this condition.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Hallux Rigidus?

Common symptoms of hallux rigidus include pain and stiffness in the big toe, particularly during movement. You may notice swelling, and in advanced cases, bone spurs can form around the joint, further restricting mobility.

When Should I Seek Treatment for Hallux Rigidus?

It’s a good idea to seek treatment for hallux rigidus as soon as you notice symptoms. Early intervention can help prevent the condition from worsening and improve the chances of successful treatment.

Are Chiropractic Treatments Safe for Hallux Rigidus?

Chiropractic treatments for hallux rigidus are generally safe. However, it’s important to consult a qualified podiatrist or chiropractor to determine your specific treatment plan.