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Why You Should See A Podiatrist Regularly for Diabetic Care

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Why You Should See A Podiatrist Regularly for Diabetic Care

Diabetes comes with many other stemming problems. One of the most dangerous of them is foot problems. Did you know that every 20 seconds, a limb is lost to diabetes? That’s scary, isn’t it? When you have diabetes, you run the risk of foot problems and complications. These issues usually occur because of nerve damage or neuropathy in the feet and toes.

When you have neuropathy in your feet, you lose the ability to feel pain over time. This makes it difficult to know the true condition of your foot’s health. Small cuts and wounds are easy to overlook because of this and can turn pretty nasty when overlooked for long periods of time. Your small cut can very easily turn into a foot ulcer if left ignored.

This is where podiatrists come in! Podiatrists can help you take care of and protect your feet to prevent disastrous issues like the above. It’s very important to see a podiatrist regularly when you have diabetes. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so regular visits to a podiatrist can really prevent your feet from suffering in the long term because of diabetes. If you have diabetes, you’ll want to go in for diabetic care treatment in Little Chalfont or diabetic care in Amersham to cut big issues like the above at the root.

How Do Podiatrists Help People With Diabetes?

Podiatry is a very important yet often overlooked segment of diabetic care in Amersham. Podiatrists play an integral role in your diabetes health care team. They are trained specifically to assess nerve damage in your feet and help you come up with treatment and prevention plans. They also identify foot health risks specific to you!

Diabetes can truly affect your feet in so many ways, which is why it’s important to see a Podiatrist at least once a year to address these issues related to diabetes.

What Are The Common Foot Problems People With Diabetes Face?

As we said earlier, there are a number of risks diabetes brings to your feet’ health. If you have diabetes, you run the risk of experiencing a number of foot problems, including:

  • Nerve Damage: You may go through neuropathy (or simply put, nerve damage). This causes pain and often numbness in your feet. This can lead to more severe problems in the future, like the complete loss of feeling in your feet and toes. When this occurs, small cuts and injuries go unnoticed and often stem from much larger and more dangerous health issues.
  • Foot Ulcers: These are wounds that can develop on your feet and/or toes. Foot ulcers occur on your feet when the tissue on the affected part of your foot is broken down to make an open wound. They can grow much larger and very easily get infected. Treatment for foot ulcers is often very expensive and lengthy, which is why it’s best to prevent them. Foot ulcers can also lead to amputation if not treated properly and timely.
  • Charcot Foot: When you have neuropathy in your feet, it can also lead to the bones in your feet being weakened. Once these bones weaken, they can even fracture and result in foot deformities.
  • Amputations: In some cases, foot ulcers and open wounds reach a stage where they can’t be treated and repaired. When this is the case, you may require amputation.

These are a handful of issues you can face with your feet due to diabetes. In reality, there are many more complications you can experience resulting from diabetes. This is why it’s integral to seek diabetic care treatment in Little Chalfont or Amersham. A podiatrist will be able to determine risk factors specific to you, and tell you what to look out for and how you can prevent these issues from occurring.

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What To Talk To Your Podiatrist About

If you have diabetes and are considering seeing a podiatrist, good move! You absolutely need to see a podiatrist on a regular to make sure your feet stay healthy. When visiting a podiatrist for your diabetes, make sure you are prepared with information on your medical history. Also try to jot down some questions you may have, including concerns about care. It’s always best to be completely comprehensive about your questions so you get all your doubts cleared. When visiting a podiatrist for diabetic care treatment in Amersham, you’ll want to discuss the following:

  • Neuropathy: If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of neuropathy or nerve damage, tell your podiatrist and they’ll give you a monofilament test or another very detailed test for nerve damage. This way, you’ll be able to understand whether you have nerve damage or not, how to prevent it or keep it from spreading, and all the other issues that come with nerve damage.
  • Foot Exams: Your podiatrist will give you a proper examination for your feet. They’ll even show you how you can go about doing this at home and what you’ll have to look out for.
  • Temperature Monitoring: Keeping your feet in optimal temperature is integral when you have diabetes. Temperature monitoring has been clinically proven to prevent foot ulcers and the risk of amputation significantly. Your podiatrist will show you how you can incorporate temperature monitoring in your everyday routine. They’ll even be able to suggest diabetic socks that are ideal for your specific needs.
  • Foot Care: Your podiatrist will also be able to tell you how to go about your foot care routine. They’ll teach you how you can protect your feet everyday and maintain proper foot health to prevent any future issues from developing.

Why You Should Seek Diabetic Care in Amersham

When you have diabetes and you don’t make regular visits to your podiatrist, it can lead to disastrous complications. It can often lead to conditions that are limb-threatening and require amputation. If you have diabetes, you need to take extra care of your feet and protect yourself from infection so you don’t have to suffer the consequences later.

Diabetes leads to a significant raise of blood sugar. These high levels of sugar can damage the nerves in your feet and cause peripheral neuropathy. This, combined with the characteristic poor circulation in diabetic patients can lead to slower healing and increase your chances of infection. When you have nerve damage, you lose sensation in your feet. You won’t be able to feel if your shoes are fitting your right, and this can lead to many other foot complications. This loss of feeling can also make you not realize if you have a blister or a small cut on your foot, which can often lead to bigger issues like foot ulcers. Left untreated, these seemingly small conditions can become way worse and affect your feet terribly.

It’s important to practice regular foot care if you have diabetes. You must wash your feet daily, and check for blisters and small cuts. You need to dry both your feet thoroughly and pay close attention to the spaces between your toes to prevent fungal infections.

If you suffer from diabetes and you notice you have sores on your feet, visit a podiatrist immediately! If left untreated, these sores can become infected and lead to gangrene or even the need for amputation.

Based on statistics, most amputations caused by diabetes could have been easily prevented with proper and regular foot care. This is why it’s absolutely integral to make regular visits to a podiatrist for diabetic care treatment in Little Chalfont.


Now that you know of the various foot care risks that come with diabetes, you probably want to visit the nearest podiatrist. If you’re looking for diabetic care in Amersham or diabetic care treatment in Little Chalfont, you can book an appointment with Bucks Foot Clinic. We have trained professionals who’ll be able to help you with all things foot-related!

Please call us on  0800 107 3290 / 077 99 122 099 Or contact us now

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Ingrown Toenail Infection: Symptoms, Management, And More!

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Ingrown toenail infections are one of the most common issues people face when it comes to their feet. Many people suffer from this condition, but they rarely know what it is so they cannot treat it correctly and manage it before it gets too bad. It is important to know ingrown toenail symptoms and ingrown toenail management so the condition doesn’t get worse. It’s always better to treat something in its early stages so it doesn’t get infected worse or become a recurring problem. There are many causes of ingrown toenail infections, and the most common causes are improper foot care and wearing shoes that do not fit you right.

If you think you might be suffering from an ingrown toenail infection, read this article to learn how you can identify it and go about ingrown toenail management so it doesn’t get worse!

What Is An Ingrown Toenail Infection?

Before we get into its symptoms, it would help to make it clear exactly what an ingrown toenail infection is and how it’s caused.

Ingrown toenail infections occur when the corner tip or edge of your toenail pokes into the skin surrounding it, instead of freely growing outwards. The toe that’s most likely to suffer from this issue is your big toe since it’s usually the one that’s most in contact with your footwear.

This condition is potentially very painful and can affect pretty much anyone, of all ages. Left untreated, an ingrown toenail infection can lead to other infections that may even spread into the underlying bone structure of your feet.

If you have a condition that reduces the blood flow to your feet, like diabetes and peripheral arterial disease, you’re more likely to suffer from an ingrown toenail. In fact, if you suffer from any of these conditions, your ingrown toenail can turn sour very quickly and lead to severe complications. This is why it’s important to know the symptoms early on and treat it accordingly.

Ingrown toenails are treatable at home, but at-home treatments can lead to complications if not carried out properly and hygienically. These complications will require immediate attention from a podiatrist or medical practitioner.

Ingrown Toenail Symptoms

Now that you know what an ingrown toenail is and why it’s important to know its symptoms early on, we can tell you what to look out for when self-diagnosing an ingrown toenail infection.

You may have an ingrown toenail infection if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling in the affected area
  • Pain when you touch the area
  • You feel pressure under your affected toenail
  • Throbbing sensations in the area
  • Foul smell coming from the affected area
  • Warmth in and around the infected area (this is your body’s way of telling you that you have an infection, while also fighting off said infection)
  • Hardened skin around the affected nail, accompanies with redness
  • You may experience a build-up/ooze of fluid in the affected area
  • Your nail is thick, yellowing, or cracked. This is a key symptom of a fungal infection and must never be ignored
  • You may even develop an abscess that fills with pus, in the area where your nail has punctured your skin
  • The edges of your nail have an overgrowth of new and inflamed tissue

Just like any other medical issue, an ingrown toenail starts with minor symptoms that can later on become more serious if not tended to. You must always try to identify an issue when it’s in its a budding stage so you can take care of it before it gets too serious.

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Ingrown Toenail Management

Once you’ve checked off “yes” on any of the above symptoms, your next step is to start ingrown toenail management at home to prevent the issue from getting worse. If your ingrown toenail looks infected and has a funky smell or is leaking fluid, skip the home remedies and see a podiatrist immediately! You can never be too safe when it comes to infections.

If your ingrown toenail looks like it’s just about budding and is still in its early phase, you can go ahead and try out any of the below-ingrown toenail management methods.

  • NEVER yank or pull on your nail! This can break the skin severely and lead to horrendous complications. You might be able to access your ingrown toenail by lifting your skin gently with a piece of floss. Just make sure to never force it open, and also ensure that your hands are sanitised and clean before you try to treat your ingrown toenail infection.
  • To drain the affected area of pus and to reduce your pain, you must fill a bucket with warm water and add Epsom salt or coarse salt to it. Then, gently soak your foot in this solution so your skin softens around your ingrown toenail.
  • After softening your skin and draining it of any pus, you can put an antibiotic/antifungal lotion or cream on the nail and the skin around and under it. Apply the cream directly.
  • If your pain is unbearable, you can take an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to help with it. Apart from this, you can also take OTC medications to reduce swelling and discomfort. If the pain truly is unbearable, though, we suggest seeing a podiatrist instead of jumping into OTC medications and trying to treat it on your own.

After you’ve tried all of the above, if your pain and infection persist after a few days, it’s advisable to visit a podiatrist. They’ll be able to lift and access the underpart of your nail much easier, so your topical antibiotics can be applied swiftly and can take effect better.

Apart from ingrown toenail management, it’s important to know how you can prevent the infection altogether. Prevention is always better than cure, so follow these rules so you never have to suffer from an ingrown toenail infection:

  • Whenever you trim your toenails, make sure to trim straight across. The edges of your nail must never curve inwards.
  • Try not to cut your nails too short.
  • Always only wear shoes that fit you properly. Your shoes must never be too tight, and your toes must always have breathing room inside. The same applies to socks and tights.
  • If you work in conditions that are hazardous in nature, i.e. construction, try to wear steel-toed boots while working to prevent heavy objects falling on your toenails and hurting them.

If you suspect that your toenails may be abnormally thick or curved, visit a podiatrist for confirmation. Surgery may be necessary for prevention in this case.

When To See A Podiatrist

Now that you know about the early symptoms of an ingrown toenail infection and how you can go about ingrown toenail management at home, you shouldn’t really have much of a problem.

However, if your ingrown toenail persists, is recurring, or gets worse over time (say it starts pussing or gets very painful), you should visit a podiatrist and get professional treatment.

In some cases, surgery may be needed to combat the effects of ingrown toenail infections. It shouldn’t reach this stage if you treat it properly in its early stages and continue to practice prevention and proper foot hygiene.


If you’re looking for a podiatrist to help with your ingrown toenail management, or just to treat any other general foot problems you may have, you can book an appointment with Bucks Foot Clinic!

We have highly skilled professionals in the field that can help you with all your foot-related issues.

Please call us on  0800 107 3290 / 077 99 122 099 Or contact us now

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How To Get Rid Of A Nail Infection & Common Foot Care Practices

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How To Get Rid Of A Nail Infection & Common Foot Care Practices

Taking care of your feet is a very integral part of your health. Foot care is often overlooked and seen as something that isn’t too important, but it truly can make the world of a difference when it comes to your overall health. Your feet, though strong, often make direct contact with the ground and can therefore pick up a lot of infections and things like ringworm, which can affect your entire body’s health. This is why it’s important to practice foot care and hygiene, so you can prevent your body from being affected at its root. Read on to learn about common foot problems, how you can practice proper foot care, and where you can get ingrown toenails treatment in Amersham.

Common Foot Care-Related Issues

When you don’t take care of your feet and their hygiene, you are susceptible to a lot of diseases and viruses. Without proper foot care, you place yourself at risk when it comes to things like:

  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Nail Infections
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Blisters
  • Verrucas
  • Corns
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Plantar Warts
  • Stone Bruises
  • Ringworm

The list truly goes on and on. Foot care is an important and integral part of maintaining your body’s overall health and it should not be overlooked.

How To Practice Proper Foot Care

I’m sure you wouldn’t cut back on brushing your teeth on a daily basis, right? You should also feel the same way when it comes to caring for your feet. Here are a few basic (and effective) ways you can improve your foot care regimen and maintain proper foot hygiene.

  • Clean your feet in warm water, but try not to soak them too much as this will tend to dry your feet out too much.
  • Check your feet for sores, swelling, cuts, and infected toenails DAILY.
  • Don’t wear shoes that don’t fit you right. Tight shoes can lead to a number of issues. Your shoes should never hurt to wear.
  • Try not to wear flip-flops because they don’t give you enough arch support.
  • Don’t wear the same shoes every day, and make sure to clean them regularly.
  • Trim your toenails regularly. Cut straight across, and then use a file to smooth the corners so your nail won’t grow into your skin.

Keep your skin hydrated and moisturized daily with creams, lotions, and petroleum jelly. Try to avoid anything with an excessive amount of chemicals. Avoid moisturizing between your toes, because you should keep the skin there dry to prevent any infections that breed in moisture.

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How To Get Rid Of Nail Infections

Now that we’ve discussed proper foot care and hygiene, we can move on to one of the most frequently asked questions, “How to get rid of nail infections”. If you find yourself suffering from a nail infection, there are a few topical at-home remedies you can resort to. It’s always best to see a podiatrist, however, because when you don’t treat a nail infection, things can go south. Topical home remedies can give you instant relief and help treat your nail infection, but will often not fully cure it.

At-Home Remedies On How To Get Rid Of A Nail Infection:

  • Snakeroot Extract: Sometimes the best solutions are found in nature. The extract of this antifungal plant can be used to treat fungal nail infections and has proved to be as effective as ciclopirox, a drug-store anti-fungal treatment.
  • Ozone Oils: Oils like sunflower oil and olive oil are oils that contain the same gases that exist in the ozone layer. Many studies have been conducted that have concluded that these “ozonized” oils are effective when it comes to treating nail fungus and may just be the best home remedy on how to get rid of a nail infection. In fact, a study took place in which sunflower oil had higher clinical effects than a common antifungal medication called ketoconazole.
  • Oregano Oil: Another proof of the effectiveness of nature is oregano oil. It contains “thymol”, a naturally occurring phenol that is said to have antifungal properties. In treatments, this oil is also combined with tea tree oil, but this increases the risk of negative side effects, irritation, and allergic reaction.
  • VapoRub: Though commonly used to treat colds and coughs, vicks vaporub has proved itself beneficial in treating fungal nail infections, in a study done in 2011.

These are a few of the most popular at-home remedies. If your nail infection persists, it is advisable to see a foot specialist to avoid any further damage and spread. Please see a podiatrist if the symptoms of your nail infection get worse or do not leave.

Ingrown Toenails Treatment in Amersham

Another very common problem related to foot care is ingrown toenails. Many people suffer from ingrown toenails, and when left ignored, the ingrowth can get worse and become increasingly painful. When you visit a specialist for ingrown toenail treatment, they’ll most likely tell you to try this first:

  • Soak the affected foot in warm water a few times a day for a few days; this softens your skin around the ingrown nail and prevents the nail from growing further into it.
  • Ensure that your foot is dry the rest of the day.
  • Make sure to only wear shoes that are wide and comfortable.
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers to help deal with the pain (if needed).

If you do all of the above, but still find yourself suffering from a bad ingrown toenail, you’ll want to seek ingrown toenail treatment near you. You can book an appointment with Bucks Foot Clinic, we have some of the best available ingrown toenail treatment in Amersham.


You’ve now learnt about how you can practice proper foot care and hygiene, how to get rid of a nail infection, and where you can seek ingrown toenail treatment in Amersham. If you find yourself suffering from these problems frequently, and the symptoms do not go away and just seem to get worse, it’s advisable that you see a podiatrist. Our trained professionals at Bucks Foot Clinic are well adept at handling all foot care issues, and will be happy to help you!

Please call us on  0800 107 3290 / 077 99 122 099 Or contact us now

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What To Expect For Your Verruca Infection

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One of the most common and contagious problems people face in regard to their feet is the development of Verrucas. Verrucas are not picky, and can affect pretty much anyone, of all ages. In fact, most people have gotten a verruca at least once before. Verrucas are very easily confused with warts, but it’s to be noted that they are not warts itself, but are technically a type of wart. Both warts and Verruca infections are formed because of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Verrucas are also very commonly confused with corns, but you must know the differences so you can treat them accordingly.

This article will give you some insight into what exactly verrucas on feet are, why they form, how they can be treated, and how you can tell them apart from other common foot problems.

What Are Verrucas on Feet?

Verruca or verruca infections are a virus. It is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and is highly contagious. Verrucas on feet are commonly spotted on the soles of the areas around one’s toes. These viruses thrive in moist environments and tend to cyclically be an outbreak in children at the park (like hand, foot, mouth disease). Verrucas tend to look kind of like cauliflowers, but then they flatten up because of pressure when they are on the soles of your feet.


Sometimes verrucas can be painless, but more often than not they are very uncomfortable and even painful to deal with. They can disappear overnight, or can be persistent for years on end.

What Causes Verruca Infections?

Verrucas are caused by infection on your skin by the HPV virus. They are highly contagious and so they spread from person to person in a seemingly never ending cycle. They are spread through both direct and indirect skin contact.

You’re very likely to get affected by a verruca on your foot if your skin is wet or damaged, which is why swimming pools and communal showers serve as breeding grounds for verruca infections. They’re so contagious that you can even infect yourself! If you touch your infection and then touch other parts of your body, the infection can spread and affect those areas too.

You’re also very likely to develop a verruca if your immune system isn’t running smoothly and you’re generally prone to illnesses. This may occur due to a medical condition or because you’re taking immunosuppressant medications.

There are some safety precautions that are integral when you or someone you know has been affected by a verruca infection. To prevent the further spread of verrucas, please follow these guidelines below:

  • Don’t be barefoot in communal showers, try to wear at least flip flops
  • Always cover your verruca with a plaster if you plan on going swimming
  • Never scratch at or pick on your verruca because this will help it spread
  • Never share towles, shoes, and socks
  • If you have verrucas on your fingers, don’t bite your nails and try not to touch things too much
  • If you choose to use a pumice stone on your verruca, do not let anyone else use the same one

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Verruca Treatment: Steps To Take

There are many ways you can go about treating a verruca infection. Thought they normally go away with time, if you find yourself plagued with verrucas on your feet and they’re either painful or just an eyesore, here’s a few treatments:

  1. Home Remedies:
  • A great home remedy is taking a piece of banana skin and cutting it to be the same size as the verruca on your feet. Then, go ahead and place the piece of banana skin on the verruca and secure it with a plaster. Do this for about two weeks, every night before bed.
  • Garlic is an all-round cure-all and is generally just really good for your health. You can use garlic to treat your verruca as well. Take a piece of garlic and put it over your verruca infection and secure it with a plaster. If you do this daily for a month, your verruca should go away.
  • A study was done in which it was proven that duct tape surprisingly helps get rid of verrucas. Take a piece of duct tape and cover your verruca with it, and it should go away in a few weeks.
  1. Medication:
  • There are many creams, medicated plasters, and gels that you can use to aid the treatment of your verruca. Most of these are readily available as over the counter products, so you can get them at your local pharmacy.
  • Salicylic acid is the key ingredient in all of these products and this is what actually treats your verruca. It helps soften the verruca significantly.
  • Never use salicylic acid products on your face because that can lead to some really bad scarring. Also, if you have pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, consult your doctor before using these products.
  1. Cryotherapy:Cryotherapy is a very effective way to remove your verruca. It is the process in which your verruca is frozen with liquid nitrogen, which makes it fall off. If you’re interested in cryotherapy, please visit a podiatrist and never try to do this on your own. It can lead to scarring and is typically also mildly painful, so it’s not a great option for children and people who are sensitive to pain.
  1. Check In With Your Podiatrist:The best way to treat anything related to your feet is by visiting a podiatrist. They are experts at all things foot-related and will be able to treat your verruca with ease and painlessly. When you visit a podiatrist, they will most likely use SWIFT Machine Treatment to get rid of your verruca. SWIFT is a very quick and efficient way to treat verrucas, it’s in the name itself! SWIFT uses microwave energy for verruca removal. To learn more about what you can expect from SWIFT treatment, read our article on this topic!

Verruca Or Corn: What’s the Difference?

A lot of people find themselves asking, “do I have a verruca or corn?”. It’s very easy to get confused between a verruca or corn, so it’s always good to know the main differences, so you can treat it accordingly.

  • Verrucas are viruses, while corns are cone shaped hard pieces of skin.
  • Verrucas are contagious, corns are not.
  • Verrucas often are shaped like a cauliflower and they tend to have a black spot in the center, while corns have a more uniform cone-like shape.
  • Verrucas can happen to anyone, while corns are more likely to show up in people with dryer skin.
  • Verrucas are not as raised and yellow as corns are.

These are just a few key observable differences that’ll help you identify if you have a verruca or a corn. If you want to learn more about these differences in depth, please read this article.


Now that you know what a verruca is and how you can tell if you have a verruca or corn, you may want to see a podiatrist for further treatment or to get rid of your verruca entirely. If you’re looking for verruca treatment in Beaconsfield, Bucks Foot Clinic is the best option for you! We have trained professionals who’ll be able to deal with your verruca infection with ease. Book an appointment with us for hassle-free consultation and verruca treatment in Beaconsfield!

Please call us on  0800 107 3290 / 077 99 122 099 Or contact us