How To Get Rid Of A Nail Infection & Common Foot Care Practices
Taking care of your feet is a very integral part of your health. Foot care is often overlooked and seen as something that isn’t too important, but it truly can make the world of a difference when it comes to your overall health. Your feet, though strong, often make direct contact with the ground and can therefore pick up a lot of infections and things like ringworm, which can affect your entire body’s health. This is why it’s important to practice foot care and hygiene, so you can prevent your body from being affected at its root. Read on to learn about common foot problems, how you can practice proper foot care, and where you can get ingrown toenails treatment in Amersham.
Common Foot Care-Related Issues
When you don’t take care of your feet and their hygiene, you are susceptible to a lot of diseases and viruses. Without proper foot care, you place yourself at risk when it comes to things like:
- Ingrown Toenails
- Nail Infections
- Athlete’s Foot
- Blisters
- Verrucas
- Corns
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Plantar Warts
- Stone Bruises
- Ringworm
The list truly goes on and on. Foot care is an important and integral part of maintaining your body’s overall health and it should not be overlooked.
How To Practice Proper Foot Care
I’m sure you wouldn’t cut back on brushing your teeth on a daily basis, right? You should also feel the same way when it comes to caring for your feet. Here are a few basic (and effective) ways you can improve your foot care regimen and maintain proper foot hygiene.
- Clean your feet in warm water, but try not to soak them too much as this will tend to dry your feet out too much.
- Check your feet for sores, swelling, cuts, and infected toenails DAILY.
- Don’t wear shoes that don’t fit you right. Tight shoes can lead to a number of issues. Your shoes should never hurt to wear.
- Try not to wear flip-flops because they don’t give you enough arch support.
- Don’t wear the same shoes every day, and make sure to clean them regularly.
- Trim your toenails regularly. Cut straight across, and then use a file to smooth the corners so your nail won’t grow into your skin.
Keep your skin hydrated and moisturized daily with creams, lotions, and petroleum jelly. Try to avoid anything with an excessive amount of chemicals. Avoid moisturizing between your toes, because you should keep the skin there dry to prevent any infections that breed in moisture.
How To Get Rid Of Nail Infections
Now that we’ve discussed proper foot care and hygiene, we can move on to one of the most frequently asked questions, “How to get rid of nail infections”. If you find yourself suffering from a nail infection, there are a few topical at-home remedies you can resort to. It’s always best to see a podiatrist, however, because when you don’t treat a nail infection, things can go south. Topical home remedies can give you instant relief and help treat your nail infection, but will often not fully cure it.
At-Home Remedies On How To Get Rid Of A Nail Infection:
- Snakeroot Extract: Sometimes the best solutions are found in nature. The extract of this antifungal plant can be used to treat fungal nail infections and has proved to be as effective as ciclopirox, a drug-store anti-fungal treatment.
- Ozone Oils: Oils like sunflower oil and olive oil are oils that contain the same gases that exist in the ozone layer. Many studies have been conducted that have concluded that these “ozonized” oils are effective when it comes to treating nail fungus and may just be the best home remedy on how to get rid of a nail infection. In fact, a study took place in which sunflower oil had higher clinical effects than a common antifungal medication called ketoconazole.
- Oregano Oil: Another proof of the effectiveness of nature is oregano oil. It contains “thymol”, a naturally occurring phenol that is said to have antifungal properties. In treatments, this oil is also combined with tea tree oil, but this increases the risk of negative side effects, irritation, and allergic reaction.
- VapoRub: Though commonly used to treat colds and coughs, vicks vaporub has proved itself beneficial in treating fungal nail infections, in a study done in 2011.
These are a few of the most popular at-home remedies. If your nail infection persists, it is advisable to see a foot specialist to avoid any further damage and spread. Please see a podiatrist if the symptoms of your nail infection get worse or do not leave.
Ingrown Toenails Treatment in Amersham
Another very common problem related to foot care is ingrown toenails. Many people suffer from ingrown toenails, and when left ignored, the ingrowth can get worse and become increasingly painful. When you visit a specialist for ingrown toenail treatment, they’ll most likely tell you to try this first:
- Soak the affected foot in warm water a few times a day for a few days; this softens your skin around the ingrown nail and prevents the nail from growing further into it.
- Ensure that your foot is dry the rest of the day.
- Make sure to only wear shoes that are wide and comfortable.
- Take over-the-counter painkillers to help deal with the pain (if needed).
If you do all of the above, but still find yourself suffering from a bad ingrown toenail, you’ll want to seek ingrown toenail treatment near you. You can book an appointment with Bucks Foot Clinic, we have some of the best available ingrown toenail treatment in Amersham.
You’ve now learnt about how you can practice proper foot care and hygiene, how to get rid of a nail infection, and where you can seek ingrown toenail treatment in Amersham. If you find yourself suffering from these problems frequently, and the symptoms do not go away and just seem to get worse, it’s advisable that you see a podiatrist. Our trained professionals at Bucks Foot Clinic are well adept at handling all foot care issues, and will be happy to help you!
Please call us on 0800 107 3290 / 077 99 122 099 Or contact us now