

What Does Toenail Fungus Look Like, Discoloured Toenail, and More!

By January 10, 2022 October 31st, 2023 No Comments
how to get rid of nail infection

Discoloured toenails are a surprisingly common issue seen in people of all ages, through different stages in their lives. Discoloured toenail can affect just about anyone, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s always important to address why you may have a discoloured toenail, as it could be an underlying symptom of toenail fungus and other infections.

A very common reason people get discoloured toenails is due to ill-fitting shoes that can cause ingrown toenails, which can in turn get infected and lead to worse conditions like toenail fungus.

This is why it’s always important to identify and treat discoloured toenails. Always visit a podiatrist when it comes to issues related to your feet, because we know best!


If you’d like to learn more about what toenail fungus looks like, how to treat fungal toenail, and more, read on!

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What Is Toenail Fungus?

If you’re showing signs of discolored toenails and other unpleasant symptoms, you may just be dealing with toenail fungus.

A fungal nail infection develops from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or on the nail. It’s common knowledge that fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, so the nails on your feet have ideal conditions for fungi to naturally overpopulate. Most fungal nail infections are caused by the very same fungi that cause “athlete’s foot”, ringworm, and “jock itch”. The rapid overpopulation of fungi that are already present in your body can cause nail infections. Fungal nail infections are quite communicable, so if you’ve come in contact with someone who had a fungal infection, you may have contracted it too. Toenails tend to be affected more than fingernails, since they’re usually confined to shoes, which are the ideal breeding grounds for these fungi.

Pedicures at nail salons can also lead to fungal nail infections, which is why you need to make sure the tools are cleaned and disinfected regularly and well. Tools like nail cutters and files can very easily spread fungal nail infections from person to person if they’re not sanitised properly.

 What Does Toenail Fungus Look Like?

 Left untreated, simple conditions like ingrown toenails can lead to toenail fungus. It’s important to know what toenail fungus looks like, so you can treat it in time. If you ever find yourself asking, “what does toenail fungus look like?” this section will help you gain a better understanding.

Toenail fungus is a form of infection that basically travels through the cracks in your nail or the cuts on your skin. It can change the color of your toenail and make it much thicker than normal. It can also be very painful to deal with. Since toes are usually kept warm and may be damp due to sweat, they act as the perfect breeding ground for fungus, allowing it to thrive in these conditions. There are different types of fungi and even yeast that can affect the different parts of your nail. When left without treatment, the fungus can spread to your skin, the other toenails, and sometimes even your fingernails!

What does toenail fungus look like, you ask? Here’s your answer:

  • A change in color of your toenail, to either yellow, brown, and even white
  • Thickened and often misshapen looking toenail
  • Chalkiness / cloudiness in spots on your toenail
  • Your toenail is separated from your nail bed
  • Lots of breaks and cracks in one or multiple spots on your toenail

There are many ways toenail fungus can alter the visual appearance of your toenails. That’s why it’s important to know what it looks like, so you can treat it before it gets more serious.

If you find yourself noticing any of the above symptoms, you may just be dealing with toenail fungus and you should seek treatment with a podiatrist accordingly.

How to Treat Fungal Toenail

 There are quite a few at-home remedies on how to treat fungal toenail. Most of these treatments are highly effective, though it is always best to seek professional help. This way, you can prevent further irritating and aggravating your fungal infection and discoloured toenail.

Since there are a plethora of available at-home treatments, not all of them may be best suited to you. In fact, the effectiveness of treatment truly depends on your symptoms and situation. Seeing a professional podiatrist will ensure a proper diagnosis which will lead to better treatment. In general, podiatrists will prescribe you with oral antifungal medications. These medicines are very effective and show the most potential in toenail fungus treatment. Apart from oral medicines, you may even be prescribed a topical antifungal cream. Pairing these two is usually your best bet for swift treatment.

Apart from this, here are a few common at-home remedies on how to treat fungal toenail:

  • Snakeroot Extract: Sometimes the best solutions are found in nature. The extract of this antifungal plant can be used to treat fungal nail infections, and has proved to be as effective as ciclopirox, a drug-store anti-fungal treatment.
  • Ozone Oils: Oils like sunflower oil and olive oil are oils that contain the same gases that exist in the ozone layer. Many studies have been conducted that have concluded that these “ozonized” oils are effective when it comes to treating nail fungus and may just be the best home remedy on how to get rid of a nail infection. In fact, a study took place in which sunflower oil had higher clinical effects than a common antifungal medication called ketoconazole.
  • Oregano Oil: Another proof of the effectiveness of nature is oregano oil. It contains “thymol”, a naturally occurring phenol that is said to have antifungal properties. In treatments, this oil is also combined with tea tree oil, but this increases the risk of negative side effects, irritation, and allergic reaction.

Who Is Most Likely To Suffer From Fungal Toenail / Discoloured Toenail?

 Just like all infections and diseases, certain people tend to be more at risk when it comes to contracting fungal nail infections. You’re at higher risk of contracting fungal nail infections if you:

  • Have diabetes
  • Are over 65 years of age
  • Wear artificial nails / regularly get pedicures
  • Have a disease that causes poor circulation
  • Have a nail injury
  • Swim in public swimming pools often
  • Have a skin injury around your nail
  • Wear close-toed shoes often
  • Have a weakened immune system
  • Leave your toes moist for extended periods of time


If you check yes under any of the above, don’t ignore your discoloured toenail and see a podiatrist for treatment!


Now that you know more about discoloured toenails and what they mean, you’ll be able to know how to treat fungal toenail better, especially since you now know what toenail fungus look like.

If you think you may be suffering from a fungal toenail infection, don’t hesitate to visit a podiatrist. You can book an appointment with Bucks Foot Clinic for the best Podiatric care in the UK!

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