Do you have discolored toenails or redness around toenails? Or perhaps you’re dealing with swelling, pain, burning sensations, or other issues. A problem with your feet should never be ignored, as even a simple ingrown toenail can lead to terrible infections.
But, who do you go to for these issues? Who treats ingrown toenails and other ailments in the feet? Podiatrists do. Podiatrists can help with pretty much any foot care issue. In this blog, we’ll give you a little more insight into the world of Podiatrists and what we do. Keep reading to learn more.
Who Treats Ingrown Toenails?
If you’ve ever wondered, “who treats ingrown toenails?”, we’ll clear up that doubt for you. The best person who treats ingrown redness around toenails is a Podiatrist.
Lots of people still aren’t aware of what podiatrists do and still find themselves asking the question, “what is a Podiatrist?”.
Ingrown toenails are treatable at home, but at-home treatments can lead to complications if not carried out properly and hygienically. These complications will require immediate attention from a podiatrist.
A Podiatrist is a medical specialist that helps with problems related to your feet and lower legs. We can deal with complications from health issues like diabetes and even treat minor and major injuries. People also call us Podiatric Physicians or Doctors of Podiatric Medicine, as well as Chiropodists.
Though a Podiatrist IS a doctor, we don’t go to traditional medical schools. There are separate schools and professional associations for Podiatrists. Doctors usually have an “MD” after their name, which stands for “Medical Doctor”. We have “DPM” at the end of our names. This stands for “Doctor of Podiatric Medicine”.
We can treat ingrown toenails, perform surgeries, reset broken bones, order lab tests or x-rays, and even rest broken bones. We’re completely licensed to do so, and we often work alongside other specialists that treat issues of the feet and lower legs.
Is A Corn Serious?
If you’re wondering, “is corn serious?”, we have an answer for you. Corn is serious only in rare cases with medical history. People with diabetes or foot deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, or other birth deformities are the most likely to get corns. Rest assured, they’re quite easy to take care of otherwise, and just about every household knows how to treat corn.
What Is Nail Surgery?
Lots of people ask the question, “What is nail surgery?”. Nail surgery is considered a minor procedure. It is usually conducted under local anesthetic, to help alleviate pain and infection in redness around toenails.
During nail surgery, a podiatrist might remove one or two sections from your nail, on each side. In some forms of nail surgery, your podiatrist may have to remove your whole nail, depending on the extent of infection/injury.
Once the nail surgery is over, the podiatrist will use a form of treatment to prevent the affected nail from growing again.
Who Does Nail Surgery?
Now that you know what nail surgery is, you’re probably wondering who does nail surgery.
Nail surgery is done by certified professional Podiatrists. Never get nail surgery from anyone who is not professionally equipped to handle it.
How Effective Is It?
Nail surgery generally is a permanent solution to your problem. Regrowth can occur occasionally, but this is in much less than 5% of cases out of thousands.
Are There Alternatives to Nail Surgery?
There are a few common routine treatments that act as alternatives to nail surgery. They aren’t permanent solutions, however, and only help for immediate and short-term relief. A common treatment used is cutting the nail back, but the nail often regrows with the same issue.
Every patient is different and has a different pain tolerance. This is why we aim to alleviate their pain as fast as possible, according to the treatment that suits them best. Though, when a patient comes in with a chronically infected nail, nail surgery is the only safe and viable option.
Why Should You See A Podiatrist?
Feet are often overlooked, but they are extremely important as they support you throughout your life. Did you know that by the age of 50, most people would have walked approximately 120,700 km? Can you imagine the stress on your feet for a lifetime? Feet are very important, complex structures consisting of tendons, ligaments, and bones. All of these parts have to work carefully in unison to keep you moving around. This is why it’s important to take care of your feet and visit a podiatrist the minute you notice something strange is afoot (pun intended!).
Book an appointment with Bucksfoot Clinic if you’re dealing with any of the following:
-Discoloured / thickened toenails
-Cuts/cracks in the skin on your feet
-Warts and other growths
-Pain in your feet
-Peeling/scaling on the soles of your feet
-Redness around toenails
Though these may seem like small issues, they can often lead to much bigger problems in the future. Our professionals will take a good look at your problems and help you with all your needs.